As one of the most famous fashion label, there is no doubt that a Gucci purse is one of the most coveted handbag. Before you see or touch a Gucci, perhaps it would be difficult to appreciate these accessories. Moreover, the quality and craftsmanship is impeccable which making them shine with sheer beauty and glamor. The Luxury Institute conducted a survey and it was proved that Gucci duffle bag was number one when it came to best costumer experience followed by Louis Vuitton and Faconnable.
It often happens in Italian industrial families that the first generation creates the firm, the second generation will unite it and the third generation eventually destroys it, or in the case of Gucci they sold all of their shares making it a public company. The family was very well known for their public quarrels and stormy family life. Paolo Gucci for example was furious with his father Aldo and he reported him to the authorities for tax evasion, he was sentenced to nine years in jail. Maurizio Gucci was the last member of the Gucci family who sold his shares, but was then murdered by his former wife Patrizia Reggiani. One would never have guessed that this fashion house had such a turbulent history.
If you see the double "G" insignia you will instantly know that it is a Gucci diaper bags. They have a vast collection of handbags ranging from evening to exotics, but beware because they are all so beautiful that you'll want all of them. There are different sizes shapes and colors plus they use different leathers which are exquisite and of the best quality money can buy. People love to replicate these designer handbags, there are more websites selling cheap knockoffs than websites who sell authentic Gucci handbags. The problem however is that people will sometimes sell you a Gucci under false pretenses, claiming that it is authentic when in fact it is a counterfeit. So many celebrities wear Gucci handbags, such as Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Lopez, Misha Barton, Paris Hilton etc sometimes you do not even notice the celebrity but only the Gucci they wear on their arm. In the movies and popular songs Gucci is mentioned and used to demonstrate sophistication, luxury and glamor.
The fierce competition among the fashion handbags industry such as Fendi, Prada, Cartier, Valentino, Balenciaga, Yves Saint Laurent etc won’t prevent Gucci shine. The incomparable quality and unbeatable craftsmanship result in the popularity of Gucci clutch. You won’t miss a best if you own one Gucci purse.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
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