Does the Devil wear Prada or does she wear a knock off brand? Chances are high that she wears Prada, but you would never really know the difference unless you were a fashion expert of some sort, and since the knock off brands have been made with high quality materials that copy the originals right down to the small gold rivets, and other embellishments found on designer handbags, women can get away with claiming that they own an original designer handbag rather then the popular carbon copy knock off handbag.
The top 10 most popular handbags cost about the same price as a good used vehicle, and unless you’re a celebrity, chances are that you will pass on the premium price that you must pay to own one. Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Fendi, Versace, Christian Dior, Burberry, Coach, Louis V handbags, and Kate Spade offer some of the most beautifully crafted handbags that super models and actresses sport around on a daily basis, and they don’t just own one of these handbags, they own several. So how can you strut around with these expensive accessories attached to your side, and look like a celebrity yourself?
Easy, you buy the knock off versions or you can always become best friends with these celebrities, and pray that you get their hand-me downs when they clean out their yesterday’s best, but I can almost guarantee that obtaining the knock off version is a much easier challenge to accomplish.
Even when designer handbags go on sale they still go for a pretty hefty price, normally running in the hundreds, and sometimes well into the thousands. While a few of us can get the proverbial bank loan or use our spare change to purchase these designer nuggets, most of us would have to get a second job just to purchase one of these out of reach designer handbags. Well, thanks to so many companies offering the knock off version, we can all feel like a princess without paying the celebrity price, and unless you are a fashion expert, you will never know the difference.
I feel this. My officemates can never tell the difference! I bought .. they are so jelly but I told them anyway! :P