Thursday, December 3, 2009

Buying Fake Handbags, Why This is a Growing Trend?

With the popularity of famous designer brands, you can purchase a fake handbag just about anywhere. Fake handbags are sold everywhere from to the local street corner and even at purse parties. The question might be simple, it is real and why do consumers indulge in this buying trend?

The knockoff handbag market has walked a fine line between their own personal design and using major designer names in their advertising.

The real designers have exhibited a thriving market for these desired trends for last couple of decades. With a signature logo, the designers have committed to the growing business of creating distinct fabrics, stitching and quality. Every designer is different, this is what makes their distinct look, a huge success. As the reputation of a designer increases, their names are more sought out and valuable to the customers.

Buyers of these unique designers are willing to pay anywhere from $150 to $10,000 for a must have designer bag.

The downside is that there is a whole separate industry specifically designed to sell replica handbags and for the consumers who buy them. To achieve the status quo of fashion, buyers are illegally engaging in the purchasing of fake handbags along with the vendors who sell the products. Ebay is the biggest hub for buying a replica handbag. Although eBay is extremely cautious in promoting online stores and individual buyers advertising their products as authentic, most of the handbags on the site are fake.

It takes a lot of hard work and years to perfect a designer's look. Big names such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Coach, and Fendi are just a few of the designer brands. These handbags are very unique in their color and patterns. For the knockoff industry, it has become easier for them to duplicate a style that is supposed to be unique.

Only the real vendors of designers have been able to tell the difference between a real handbag and a fake one. To the average person, they cannot tell the difference between the two. This is why many woman have been able to get away with purchasing a fake handbag instead of spending hundreds of dollars for an authentic one.

There have only been a few legal actions taken from the federal government regarding this multimillion dollar business.

A number of problems result from the fake handbag business.

1. The designers are being ripped of their name and money being made from this side business.

2. It is copyright infringement, and this constitutes as a federal crime that the media industry has been solely against.

3. Although the quality appears to be excellent, with fake handbags it is very much the opposite and the

purses are factory made as opposed to being individually handcrafted.

4. Not only does this promote illegal activities, but it encourages a business that aids in the use of sweat shops in poor far east countries. Many drop shipping companies use this method to make and sell fake handbags and then more prominently sold in the U.S.

Sometimes it may be hard to tell the difference but you can almost never go wrong with buying from the actual store of the designer or an authorized dealer. Designers such as Louis Vuitton can only be purchased from Vuitton himself such as his official website or the Louis Vuitton store. Designers like this try to show the consumers that authenticity is guaranteed when a second hand vendor is not used to buy the product.

The knockoff handbag business is growing alongside with the real designers. The designers of the authentic products are taking notice to this growing concern and stepping in to halt the problem. Each person has their own reason for purchasing a knockoff handbag, but by doing so they may not be aware their purchase was illegal and promoting factory made products.

Designer handbags are fun and can be expensive. Buying the real products helps the designer's business grow and respects the company's will to maintain its unique appeal to handbag shoppers.

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